From Fiumicino Airport (Leonardo da Vinci) to Sutri (50 mins)

Leaving Fiumicino airport, follow the signs for 'Roma'. This motorway will take you to the GRA (Grande Raccordo Annulare), Rome's equivalent of the M25 or péripherique. After about 9 km, you need to take the second exit onto the GRA marked "A1 Firenze'.

Once on the GRA, you continue for 15 minutes until exit 5 (uscità 5), where you leave the GRA on the ss2bis, the via cassia, signed 'Viterbo'.

The ss2bis will take you all the way to Sutri, which is about 38 km (30 minutes). You will see blue km marking signs by the side of the road giving the distance from Rome. Sutri is at the 50km mark. It is about 7km after the point where the road goes from dual to single carriageway at Monterosi.

When you arrive at Sutri, you will turn the corner and see the town on top of the block of tufo rock to the right of the road. You need to drive all the way round the base of the rock and enter the town from the north side (there is a one way system in the centro storico). At the end of the tufo block, turn first right off the ss2bis (via cassia) following signs for 'centro'. You will enter Sutri via Porte Morone.

Fiumicino Airport Information: In Italy: 06 65951, from abroad: + 39 06 65951 or consult the website for on-line timetable and flight information,